What is Hospice Care?
Dog and cat hospice care focuses on providing comfort and support to companion animals in their final days or weeks. It involves managing symptoms through pain control, nutritional support, and maintaining a quality of life that allows the pet and their family to share precious moments together. Our approach ensures your pet's last days are filled with love and dignity.

When Is It Time?
Knowing when it’s time to consider euthanasia can be challenging. Many factors come into play, including your pet's condition, quality of life, and your family's circumstances. Our experienced veterinarians are here to guide you through these difficult decisions.
Below is a quality-of-life assessment handout that can guide you in determining when it’s best to discuss end-of-life care for your pet. The key is understanding your pet’s health and behavioral changes to prevent undue suffering. Like you, we want what’s best for them.
In-Home Pet Euthanasia
In-Home Pet Euthanasia
The decision to euthanize is never an easy one. Euthanasia literally means to give a “good death,” and Dr. Hellert believes this to be the “hardest act, and the greatest gift” you can give your pet. And it is OK. It is OK to be sad. It is OK to mourn. And it is OK to say goodbye.
If you need help deciding on the right time for euthanasia, please contact us for guidance. Our team will be happy to discuss hospice care, pain control options, and quality of life concerns for your pet. You can make a telehealth appointment with our doctors and together we will come up with a plan that is best for your family.
If you think that now is the right time, our team offers in-home euthanasia for the comfort of your pet and your family. We work with S&S Cremation of Centralia, IA to offer cremation, paw prints, urns, and personalized nameplates. Or you may prefer to bury your pet in a special spot you have already picked out.
Whatever you and your family choose to do, know that PetMed of Key West Veterinary Clinic is always here to provide support. Call us at (563) 583-8387 if you have any questions or concerns about your pet, and our team will be glad to help.
Let Us Support You
Choosing euthanasia for your pet is a profound expression of love and care. At PetMed of Key West Veterinary Clinic, we're committed to supporting you and your pet through this emotional journey. If you're considering hospice care for your pet or have any questions about our services, please don't hesitate to contact us at (563) 583-8387.